0Hello All my Fellow Bloggers, Followers and Gamers,
It is a sad day, the industry has lost one of its greatest people on Sunday. I am talking about Mr. Satoru Iwata the President of Nintendo. In remembrance to this man who under his influence has made me the gamer that I am today because of games like Super Smash Bros, and The Legend of Zelda. It is a small tribute video to a man I admired. Check it out here
May you Rest in Peace Mr. Iwata and know your legacy will live on forever.
One Up Episode 5: Moving on Up!
Hello all my Fellow Bloggers, Followers, and Gamers,
This episode talk about more progress , moving into a new studio, believing in the brand, and of course video games!

Loot Crate Unboxing : Unite
0Hello all my Fellow Bloggers / Followers / Gamers,
It’s that time of the Month! The Month of May’s Loot Crate is Unite! Check out my Unboxing!, please enjoy the video, leave your comments and please subscribe to my YouTube Channel !

One Up! Episode 4: The Gamer Keith Harder!
This episode I talk about what motivates me, my experience with Kevin Smith at AC / BC this weekend, playing the Witcher 3.
Check out the On Air Hangout with TsPr0tege https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsWxMP_ZVxU

Game On! With the Gamer Keith Episode 3: Don’t Feed the Gamers or the Yao Guai
0This episode of Game On! With the Gamer Keith I talk about Steam Mods being taken down. Star Wars May the 4th. FallOut 4 Rumors, and did someone say Nintendo Land?!?!
One Up! Episode 3: Still Alive and Gaming!
This episode of One Up! with the Gamer Keith, I talk about finding the way, Twitch , and why haven’t been producing content, and of course E3! Also talk about my 24 HR Memorial Day Game – A – Thon !

Hello my Old Friend, I have come to talk to you again.
0Hello all my Fellow Bloggers / Followers / Gamers,
WOW, it has been a really long time since I have done a blog post. I mean I post my videos and little updates here and there, but I have yet to actually do a blog post in a very long time. I feel as though I owe you my bloggers and followers a little bit of an explanation here.
Let’s start first with this that I have always wanted to do video stuff. Filming, editing, putting together a script or a segment. I have always loved doing it. To really lump it all together quite crudely if I may I just love media in general how you can create and More >

Game On! With The Gamer Keith Episode 2 : DLC & MODS
0Hello all my Fellow Bloggers / Followers / & Gamers,
It’s been a while since I made one of these videos, and it was about time I made another one. It’s my Game On! series where I talk about Video Games, Nerd News, and whatever really catches my attention in the previous week or weeks. With all this controversy surrounding paid content, season passes, micro transactions inside games like the new Mortal Kombat X, then with the announcement of paid MODs on Steam. I decided I need to voice my opinion on the matter. Enjoy the video I hope you find it informative and spot on. Please subscribe to More >

Loot Crate Unboxing : Fantasy
Hello all my Fellow Bloggers / Followers / Gamers,
Another month, another Loot Crate! Lather, Rinse, Repeat… This month’s them is Fantasy it was a good one, please enjoy the video, leave your comments and please subscribe to my YouTube Channel !