Posts tagged Game Boy

A Long Time Ago…In a galaxy not so far away from my couch
0Hello my Loyal Followers / Bloggers / and Gamers,
To start this story out, I got a very interesting email the other day from one of the managers from Man Crates. As I read the email from this new company that sends pretty much as the title dictates stuff that appeal to men, you can order awesome gifts for men like a Zombie Survival Kits, Whiskey Selections, and they have Nostalgia Crates for Gaming! I read up on the company and it sounds pretty awesome. I mean you have to open your loot with a crow bar! It’s just like in a Christmas Story it’s a major award, “FRAGILE, It sounds Italian.” More >

The Gamer Keith Challenge 07/16 – 09/26
1This is but one of the legends of which the people speak…
Hello loyal followers, gamers, and bloggers of all sorts:
Last week I asked the question of what game series I should invest some time in until the release of 1 of 2 games. Either replay The Legend of Zelda series or replay Kingdom Hearts series. I asked and one person heard my calling. So without further ado I have made my decision. I am going to play The Legend of Zelda series in chronoligical order according to the Hyrule Historia. I am excited to announce that I am going to take on what I am going to dub with an unoriginal name More >