Posts tagged Nintendo

The Gamer Keith VLOG#4: Nintendo…A New Hope?
0Hello all my Fellow Bloggers / Follower/ Gamers,
Here is Episode 4 of my VLOG series (Name Pending) . Lots of updates! I talk about Nintendo and there announcements, and Pixels the Movie. Please watch!

The Gamer Keith Video Exclusive! ( +Updates )
Hello my Fellow Followers/ Bloggers / & Gamers,
So let me start this post with the obvious. I have heard the rumors it has blown up the internet probably more then Kim Kardashian’s naked body. That apparently Netflix and Nintendo are talking about bringing The Legend of Zelda as a possible series on Netflix. So let me start with saying I am as giddy as a school boy when it comes to this news. I am very skeptical not so much that it isn’t true, but I really just want the series to do justice to the game series that I love so much and care so deeply for. I think if the writers are good and More >

2014 : A Gaming year in review
0Hello Loyal Followers / Bloggers / & Gamers ,
Well it has been an a riveting year for games this year, it has also been a tough year for the gaming community. 2014 is literally ending tomorrow evening and the new year of 2015 is starting. In this post I am just going to review some of the more interesting highlights to me for the year of 2014. I may not hit on exactly every single note because lets face it come November the market was so over run with new releases that we all felt the pain in our wallets, and it is what really stood out for the year was the title after title after title More >

Its the most wonderful time of the year…
0Hello Loyal Followers / Bloggers / Gamers :
First I just want to say I hope everyone had a very happy and productive Thanksgiving, I hope everyone had lots of food, special time with your friends and family, and of course lots of gaming!
It has been a very busy month of November, we had a lot of new games releases just in time for the Holiday season. Way to many games as a a matter of fact. So much so I am going not only broke from spending so much but I am getting overwhelmed trying to do these video reviews. Its quite the process I wish that I could just push theses out faster, but like I More >

Nintendo Direct 11/05
0Hello Loyal Followers / Bloggers / Gamers,
So Nintendo had a Nintendo Direct conference on Wednesday, Nintendo is taking a different approach than most gaming company’s and has decided that probably about almost every quarter they come out with a recorded show that pretty much show cases there progress so far and gives updates on new project releases, and what have you. So this is just my thoughts and recap on the event itself.
So first and its the amazing news, The Legend of Zelda : Majora’s Mask is coming to the Nintendo 3DS and it is coming Spring 2015! The mill was a constant buzz on this More >

The Gamer Keith Challenge 07/16 – 09/26
1This is but one of the legends of which the people speak…
Hello loyal followers, gamers, and bloggers of all sorts:
Last week I asked the question of what game series I should invest some time in until the release of 1 of 2 games. Either replay The Legend of Zelda series or replay Kingdom Hearts series. I asked and one person heard my calling. So without further ado I have made my decision. I am going to play The Legend of Zelda series in chronoligical order according to the Hyrule Historia. I am excited to announce that I am going to take on what I am going to dub with an unoriginal name More >

Shovel Knight (Wii U & 3DS) Review
0While more of the bigger game companies are constantly chasing this “Next Gen” mentallity, Indy Developers such as Yacht Club seem to be taking a different approach. Their game Shovel Knight is an old school inspired adventure platform game for both the Nintendo Wii U & Nintendo 3DS. A homage to the retro era of gaming that throws in game styles all of classic NES games such as Mega Man, Duck Tales, Zelda II : Links Adventure, Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania, and so many more!
Dig It! Literally
Shovel Knight while drawing inspiration from great titles that you can instantly recognize (If you More >
E3 2014 Game Round Up
2Well I know E3 has been done for about 2 weeks now, but it was a lot of information to process. So first before I go any further to the probable 2 whole people reading my blog I am sorry for the late post, but I really had to gather all the information together because again it was a lot to soak in! Having not gone this year I did watch all conferences as they streamed on either Twitch™ or IGN, and watched all available trailers and information as it became available. Here’s hoping I get to go next year!
Now that we got that out of the way let me start by saying that this years E3 was More >
E3 2014 Nintendo Direct!
0Hello All!
While Nintendo decided to take a different route when it comes to E3 mostly because they have been making tiny announcements with there Nintendo Direct conferences through out the year but all I can really say for Nintendo at E3 this year was WOW! What a show! I loved the Robot Chicken / Super Smash Bros introduction it was both exciting and funny! I also could not believe that it was Reggie’s 10th E3 anniversary I remember when he first took the stage and was talking about how he’s all about kicking ass and taking names, and dared to step up to Sony by telling them that there More >
Nintendo can you hear me? Its me Keith.
1Alright, so here I go.
For all those who you don’t have their finger on the pulse of the YouTube gaming community, A little while back last year Nintendo ripped away all of these Videos of people playing there games or streaming there game content via the internet. They claimed it as copyright infringment and that it was diverting money away from Nintendo. So they made a lot of waves in the “Lets Play” community. Now this upset a lot of the Video Gaming Streaming community. So they banned a lot of content on YouTube. The Lets play people got pissed off and became very vocal about it.
Now, I More >