Posts tagged E3 2014

E3 2014 Game Round Up


Well I know E3 has been done for about 2 weeks now, but it was a lot of information to process. So first before I go any further to the probable 2 whole people reading my blog I am sorry for the late post, but I really had to gather all the information together because again it was a lot to soak in! Having not gone this year I did watch all conferences as they streamed on either Twitch™ or IGN, and watched all available trailers and information as it became available. Here’s hoping I get to go next year!

Now that we got that out of the way let me start by saying that this years E3 was More >

E3 2014 Nintendo Direct!


Hello All!

While Nintendo decided to take a different route when it comes to E3 mostly because they have been making tiny announcements with there Nintendo Direct conferences through out the year but all I can really say for Nintendo at E3 this year was WOW! What a show! I loved the Robot Chicken / Super Smash Bros introduction it was both exciting and funny! I also could not believe that it was Reggie’s 10th E3 anniversary I remember when he first took the stage and was talking about how he’s all about kicking ass and taking names, and dared to step up to Sony by telling them that there More >

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