Posts tagged Xbox One
Ori & The Blind Forest Review
0It’s been a while since I did a video review and here was one of my top E3 2014 picks (Check it out Here), Check out my Review of Ori & The Blind Forest. Please check out the video and please give it a like leave a comment and of course subscribe to my YouTube Channel!
2014 : A Gaming year in review
0Hello Loyal Followers / Bloggers / & Gamers ,
Well it has been an a riveting year for games this year, it has also been a tough year for the gaming community. 2014 is literally ending tomorrow evening and the new year of 2015 is starting. In this post I am just going to review some of the more interesting highlights to me for the year of 2014. I may not hit on exactly every single note because lets face it come November the market was so over run with new releases that we all felt the pain in our wallets, and it is what really stood out for the year was the title after title after title More >
Sunset Overdrive Review (with Video!)
What do you get when you mix the weapons of Ratchet and Clank, the open world of Grand Theft Auto, the graphical acid trip of Jet Set Radio, and the foul mouth of No More Heroes? You get Insomniacs first Xbox One exclusive Sunset Overdrive. Now I know what some of you are thinking. Isn’t Insomniac games exclusive to Playstation? The resounding answer is not anymore!
Sunset Overdrive is an open world game plagued by a catastrophic event where a not yet released energy drink known as overcharge has caused a massive outbreak turning everyone who drinks it into a destructive addicted More >
Destiny (Playstation 4 & Xbox One) Review
Its the beginning of September and after one month of nothing really to eye grabbing being released. Then the clouds parted and on the fabled 9.9 date (To all you History Buff out there, same date the Sega Dreamcast was released back in 1999) and we were treated with one of the more anticipated titles and franchises of the year, I am talking about non other then Destiny . Crossing multiple platforms, this particular review covers the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions. The definitive version is supposedly on the PlayStation 4, I have yet to really be able to get the differential between More >
E3 2014 Game Round Up
2Well I know E3 has been done for about 2 weeks now, but it was a lot of information to process. So first before I go any further to the probable 2 whole people reading my blog I am sorry for the late post, but I really had to gather all the information together because again it was a lot to soak in! Having not gone this year I did watch all conferences as they streamed on either Twitch™ or IGN, and watched all available trailers and information as it became available. Here’s hoping I get to go next year!
Now that we got that out of the way let me start by saying that this years E3 was More >
E3 2014
0It’s the most wonderful time of the year for all gamer’s, no not Fall when the major titles are generally released for the Christmas rush. No! Its time for E3!( The Electronics Entertainment Expo) When all games are announced for the upcoming year and beyond! So instead of waste time and talk about E3 because in the last few year E3 has become quite popular. The conferences start Monday, and I am just putting in my two cents and predictions on what I believe will be seen at this years event, and from rumor and speculation what I believe will be unveiled what to expect and whom I believe will More >