Posts tagged Hyrule Warriors

The Gamer Keith Challenge 07/16 – 09/26
1This is but one of the legends of which the people speak…
Hello loyal followers, gamers, and bloggers of all sorts:
Last week I asked the question of what game series I should invest some time in until the release of 1 of 2 games. Either replay The Legend of Zelda series or replay Kingdom Hearts series. I asked and one person heard my calling. So without further ado I have made my decision. I am going to play The Legend of Zelda series in chronoligical order according to the Hyrule Historia. I am excited to announce that I am going to take on what I am going to dub with an unoriginal name More >
E3 2014 Nintendo Direct!
0Hello All!
While Nintendo decided to take a different route when it comes to E3 mostly because they have been making tiny announcements with there Nintendo Direct conferences through out the year but all I can really say for Nintendo at E3 this year was WOW! What a show! I loved the Robot Chicken / Super Smash Bros introduction it was both exciting and funny! I also could not believe that it was Reggie’s 10th E3 anniversary I remember when he first took the stage and was talking about how he’s all about kicking ass and taking names, and dared to step up to Sony by telling them that there More >