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Posts by TheGamerKeith
Gamer Keith Icon

Its the most wonderful time of the year…


Hello Loyal Followers / Bloggers / Gamers :

First I just want to say I hope everyone had a very happy and productive Thanksgiving, I hope everyone had lots of food, special time with your friends and family, and of course lots of gaming!

It has been a very busy month of November, we had a lot of new games releases just in time for the Holiday season. Way to many games as a a matter of fact. So much so I am going not only broke from spending so much but I am getting overwhelmed trying to do these video reviews. Its quite the process I wish that I could just push theses out faster, but like I More >

Nintendo Direct

Nintendo Direct 11/05


Hello Loyal Followers / Bloggers / Gamers,

So Nintendo had a Nintendo Direct conference on Wednesday, Nintendo is taking a different approach than most gaming company’s and has decided that probably about almost every quarter they come out with a recorded show that pretty much show cases there progress so far and gives updates on new project releases, and what have you. So this is just my thoughts and recap on the event itself.

So first and its the amazing news, The Legend of Zelda : Majora’s Mask is coming to the Nintendo 3DS and it is coming Spring 2015! The mill was a constant buzz on this More >

Gamer Keith Icon

The Gamer Keith Update I now do Videos!


Hello Loyal Followers / Bloggers / Gamers,

I didn’t want to put this in the review for Sunset Overdrive because it would seem a little unprofessional, then again I am amateur at best. Anyway I felt I give you guys a little explanation, explain myself on my big move to doing video reviews. So I did the Extra-Life 2014 Game-A-Thon on the 25th and I had a lot of fun doing it and I had a lot of supporters and fans watching, and raised a little bit of money for the charity. During my stream I had viewers ask me if I have YouTube channel. I told them yes I do, I mostly just do Loot Crate un-boxings More >

Sunset Overdrive Banner

Sunset Overdrive Review (with Video!)





What do you get when you mix the weapons of Ratchet and Clank, the open world of Grand Theft Auto, the graphical acid trip of Jet Set Radio, and the foul mouth of No More Heroes? You get Insomniacs first Xbox One exclusive Sunset Overdrive. Now I know what some of you are thinking. Isn’t Insomniac games exclusive to Playstation? The resounding answer is not anymore!

Sunset Overdrive is an open world game plagued by a catastrophic event where a not yet released energy drink known as overcharge has caused a massive outbreak turning everyone who drinks it into a destructive addicted More >

Gamer Keith Icon

October Updates


Hello Loyal Followers / Bloggers / Gamers,

I know its been a while since a post, about 2 weeks precisely actually. So I have been very busy the last 2 weeks. I have been playing a lot of Destiny, and as of today that’s going to be a little bit of a stand still because Sunset Overdrive comes out today! I can not wait to get my hands on it and play it, I mean really an insomniac game (Ratchet & Clank Developers) on an Xbox One 0___O . Mind blown all over the place.

I am happy to announce that my 24 HR Extra-Life Gaming Event was a rousing success! I came up a little short on donations, but I More >


The Gamer Keith Challenge : 24 Hour Game Streaming for Children’s Miracle Network


Hello Loyal Followers /  Bloggers / Gamers,

If you have been following me a couple months ago I had started my Gamer Keith Challenge. It is I take on certain gaming challenges set by myself in a certain time period. While my first challenge was not as much of a success as I had initially had hoped, we must move forward and try try again. So I have signed up for the event taking place on October 25th. The event is that for 24 hrs I will be gaming non-stop (Minus the bathroom and stretch break, but I will compensate and add any time that is used for that onto the clock More >

Gamer Keith Icon

Update : I’m doing science and I’m still alive


Hello Loyal Followers /  Bloggers / Gamers,

Well…It has been a busy month of September. We had a lot of game release in the beginning with Destiny which I finally finished you can check that out here. Then we had Hyrule Warriors, and Shadows of Mordor. I will hopefully have reviews for that in the upcoming weeks. Then we had an awesome start to October with Super Smash Bros. 3DS, and Alien : Isolation. So needless to say I have no excuse but to keep bringing you reviews. Then we have Loot Crate later this month.

I really just wanted to take a couple of sentences here to say I am sorry. I know More >


Destiny (Playstation 4 & Xbox One) Review



Its the beginning of September and after one month of nothing really to eye grabbing being released. Then the clouds parted and on the fabled 9.9 date (To all you History Buff out there, same date the Sega Dreamcast was released back in 1999) and we were treated with one of the more anticipated titles and franchises of the year, I am talking about non other then Destiny . Crossing multiple platforms, this particular review covers the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions. The definitive version is supposedly on the PlayStation 4, I have yet to really be able to get the differential between More >

Loot Crate Unboxing : Galactic



Hello loyal follower / gamers / and bloggers,

Well its September, and with that comes another Loot Crate! Check out my video of this months theme Galactic. Check out my channel and subscribe! More Subscribers I get the more motivated I feel to get content out, I am thinking possibly start doing video reviews again but I will cross that bridge at a later date. In the mean time enjoy this unboxing!



Gamer Keith Icon

Am I A Biased Gaming sellout? Probably.


Hello Loyal Followers / Bloggers / Gamers,

First I want to apologize for my lack of content lately. It has been a really long month of no real major releases and I have been quite busy with a lot of personal stuff with my life, making a lot of good changes so I can thus pro long and continue to make content for YOU my lovely audience. That and last month out at work was quite busy, however not going to bore you with the small details. Just know I am still here, and happy to do so, and talking about my favorite subject gaming.

This would really be more of an update if anything but the real More >

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